Drops, crashes, and a place to call home

May 21, 2009 § Leave a comment

I haven’t been able to post for a few days because an IT guy has been (graciously) looking at my computer for me.  It’s a Powerbook G4, and it will be four years old in June.  For four years, this computer has been my baby, my lover, my telephone, my television, and most recently, my old friend.  When it started doing freaky things like going to sleep randomly or crashing… I started to get nervous.  The Apple guys looked it over and immediately noticed a dent on the right corner.  Evidence of a drop, they said.

(Anecdote:  It’s college, I’m young, irresponsible, and living life to the fullest.  It’s 4 am on a Tuesday night and I fall asleep in my raised bed, with my laptop still playing a Futurama cartoon next to my pillow.  At some point I am awakened by the sound of my laptop hitting the floor…)

(This may have happened more than once….)

Anyway, it appears that the only thing wrong is that the cables going to the screen have been bruised, and are causing the display to go to sleep and things like that.  My IT hero reinforced them with some plastic, but warns me to keep the laptop as stationary as possible, aka use it as a desktop computer.  This will take some adjusting to, but I am glad that it’s nothing worse.

Because of lack of internet access, I haven’t been able to post about my recent trips into Boston to meet with the realtor and my future roomies to look at places, and hallelujah we found one!

It’s in Somerville but near the Cambridge line, and a 15 minute walk from Harvard Square.  It has lots of street parking, and free in-unit laundry!  It’s definitely the nicest of the places we saw in our price range, and has a couple cute features like an arched doorway and pink tiled walls in the kitchen.  Cozy, but not too cramped.  And I am happy with my choices for bedrooms.  The only problem is that there are no closets in the bedrooms, but I suppose that could be solved with clever furniture solutions.  We move in Sept 1st.

The scary part of saying yes to this apartment is that I am about to sign a lease for $700 a month, and I don’t have a job lined up for next year yet.  I tend to be an anxious person and can’t help imagining the worst case scenario over and over- I’m unemployed and can’t afford rent and I have to move back home and get a subletter, I’m unemployed and have to ask my parents for money, or  I’m employed in retail and working with high school kids and have to ask my parents for money………………. Ugh.  I know it will be okay.  At least, I know I have to keep telling myself it will be ok.

It is all very exciting though.  And scary.  Scary exciting.  It’s really hitting me how much my life will change this summer/fall.  I have it so easy now- an easy, fun job, squatting in my parents’ basement and eating all their food.  Pretty soon I’ll have to start being an adult again.  I’ll have to worry about money, and bills, and I probably wont have a job that involves playing kickball or hanging out with teenagers.

On the bright side, I’ll be an adult again.  I won’t have my parents reading over my shoulder. I’ll have my freedom back.  I’ll be living with friends for the first time ever, and a sweet little kitty too.  I’ll have a chance to really get to know Boston from the inside, and hopefully make a lot of new friends.  Hopefully, I’ll have a good job.

Yes, kids, change is a-comin.’  The anticipation is distracting.

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