An important question

August 21, 2008 § 3 Comments

A nice thing about being home is that I get to hang out with my boyfriend in person, which somehow leads to interesting conversations like this one.

If for some reason a second copy of yourself suddenly appeared – more than a clone, a duplicate of you as you are now with all of your memories and experiences and everything as it is now – would you want to hang out with yourself?

The boyfriend totally would want to hang out with himself.  The two of them would rock out playing video games, comparing their muscles, and showing off their latest dance moves.  I, on the other hand, would be so totally awkward around myself.  I’d be all like, “Umm… do you want to watch tv or something?” and the whole time I’d be looking at myself thinking, “Is that really how I look from behind?”

Would you like to hang out with yourself?

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